+99894 234 54 32

90, Yangi Tarnov str., Bodomzor, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Using Joyla app image

Design and Development

Classified Ads App from idea to live


timeline joyla2021 - 2022

Our Role

Our Role Joyla AppFrom ideation to end product & maintenance.


In Uzbekistan, there is a very limited number of platforms that allow selling and buying second-hand items. Therefore, developing a convenient app is essential for finding local buyers and sellers. In this case study, we'll share our process for creating an intuitive and user-friendly app that has helped over 200k (AppStore and PlayMarket) users list and find items.

Joyla App Mobile Version
A boy challenge with friends Joyla App


There is no alternative to an old platform for selling and buying second hand items. Also, users often have to rely on word-of-mouth, bulletin boards, or social media to find buyers or sellers. Additionally, the quality of the items and the reliability of the transaction can be a concern for both parties. Our client recognized this challenge and wanted to create an app that would make the process easier and more reliable.

Ux Ui design Joyla App

UX/UI Design and Development

We started out with a thorough understanding of the user needs and expectations. Our UX/UI team conducted research and identified the essential features that would make the app intuitive and user-friendly. These features included easy item listing, location-based lists, image uploads, and secure payment options. We then began the development process, leveraging the latest technologies and tools to create a seamless and efficient user experience. The development team used Figma to create mockups and prototypes, allowing us to test the app's usability and make changes before moving to the next stage. We used Kotlin and Swift to develop the app for Android and iOS platforms, respectively. Java 11 was used for the backend development and ReactJS for the frontend development. We also incorporated ElasticSearch for efficient search functionality, Thumbor for image processing, and AWS RDS and S3 for storage and database management. Throughout the development process, we tested the app thoroughly, making improvements to the user interface, performance, and security. We also optimized the app for different screen sizes, ensuring that it was accessible to as many users as possible.


Since the app's launch, it has been a success, with over 100k downloads from both the AppStore and PlayMarket. The feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the app's ease of use and reliability. Users have reported selling items faster and finding better deals than they would have otherwise. The app has also helped to create a new market for local businesses and entrepreneurs, enabling them to reach a wider audience. The app is now attracting investment, which will enable us to expand the its features and services.

You can download it from here

Try out the app and feel free to provide feedback. Every word of yours is important to us as our goal is to create an app that you'll love using. If you find value in the app we created, please consider sharing it with your friends and family.
The web version is coming soon!

Technology Stack

 Using technology stack in Tasbeeh App