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The 5 Key Benefits to Using Agile Methodology

CEO at Everbestlab LLC

In today's world of project management, Agile stands as one of the most popular approaches due to its flexibility and evolutionary nature. It started back in 2001 with the Agile manifesto and was originally made for software development. Over time, agile project management evolved and became a common choice for many project managers, regardless of the industry. Agile, to sum up, is an iterative and incremental way of managing projects that enables teams to keep up with the demands of the contemporary workplace. It involves various methodologies and all of them are based on the concepts of flexibility, transparency, quality, and continual improvement.

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Below are the top advanatages of Agile and why it is adopted by many companies for managing their projects:

1. The right product

Unlike previously managed projects which heavily relied upon very detailed technical requirements upfront, Agile project management sets out to iterate over what works and what does not. In this approach, the client stays involed in the development process and can ask for changes depending on realities. This will result in the creation of the product that is needed by customer and overall superior quality in the end.

2. Better control

Agile enables project managers to gain greater transparency, quality-control features and integration of feedback. High standard is maintained throughout the implementation phase of the project and all stakeholders are involved in the process with daily progress reports through advanced reporting tools and techniques.

3. Customer satisfaction

In the Agile, the end-used is involved at all time in the decision-making process which brings about higher customer retention. In the conventional frameworks, the customer is brought only in the planning stage and cannot influence execution which affects the flexibility and adaptability. By maintaining the customer in the loop and making alterations based on their feedback, one delivers value to the customer and ensures that the end product is genuinly according to their requirements.

4. Greater predictability

With increased transparency, projecting risks involved, and suggesting effective mitigation plans will turn easier. Within Agile, there are better ways to detect and predict risks and plan to make sure that the project runs smoothly. Scrum methodology, for example, uses sprint backlogs and burndown charts to increase the visibility of the project which enables managers to anticipate performances and plan accordingly.

5. Minimized risks

In theory, projects employing an Agile methodology will never fail. Agile works in small sprints that focus on continuous delivery. There is always a small part that can be salvaged and used in the future even if a particular approach doesn’t go as planned. In a nutshell, the benefits of Agile are numerous. This ranges from improvments in the quality of the product to helping the team members perform better. This methodology, if used correctly, prevents pitfalls like excessive cost and scope creep. If you think Agile fits for your next project, you are in the right path!
